Showing 1–24 of 217 results
Ajagaq Game by Daniel Shimout from Coral Harbour
$200.00 -
Ajagaq Game by Daniel Shimout
$225.00 -
Owl/Face by Fred DeGrace
$480.00 -
Pit Bull by Ikkidluaq Teevee
$1,130.00 -
Bird with Fish by Thomas Aniksak
$295.00 -
Raven by Pavinak Petaulassie
$360.00 -
Bird by Ningeosiaq Ashoona
$485.00 -
Whales by Kellipalik Etidloie
$460.00 -
Marble Bear by Pavinak Petaulassie
$200.00 -
Owl by Kellipalik Etidloie
$775.00 -
Bird by Pavinak Petaulassie
$350.00 -
Balancing Bear by Kellipalik Etidloie
$930.00 -
Loon by Ningeosiaq Ashoona
$325.00 -
Eagle by Kakee Ningeosiaq
$340.00 -
Owl by Iqaluk Taqiasuk
$625.00 -
Walking Bear by Tony Oqutaq
$460.00 -
Dancing Bear by Johnny Papigatok
$240.00 -
Walking Bear by Ottokie Ashoona
$700.00 -
Dancing Bear by David Pudlat
$280.00 -
Two Way Dancing Bear by Ottokie Ashoona
$1,250.00 -
Marble Owl by Parr Parr
$525.00 -
Two Way Dancing Bear by Kakee Ningeosiak
$220.00 -
Owlet by Joanasie Manning