Bird by Paulassie Pootoogook


Artist:                   Pauloosie Pootoogook

Community:        Cape Dorset-Kinngait

Year:                      ?

Media:                   Serpentine

Dimensions:        4 x 6 x 4 in.  1.4 kg

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Bird by Paulassie Pootoogook from Cape Dorset.

Inuk artist Paulassie Pootoogook was born in 1927 in Igalalik (Andrew Gordon Bay), Baffin Island, Nunavut. His father, Pootoogook, was a community leader and was instrumental in the formation of the village of Kinngait (Cape Dorset).

Eldest of four brothers, Pootoogook began his artistic career as a printmaker but is better known for his carving. Pootoogook often carved non-traditional subject matter, but is well known for his naturalistic polar bears. Pootoogook is what some would consider a second generation Inuit artist. Artists of this generation have shown a greater variety of artistic expression than their predecessors. A delicate mastery of the medium is visible with smooth undulating detail often polished to a high gloss:

“I have seen younger people carving (not only my own kids) who try to do a good job because they know it is important…. Back when we first started carving the carvings weren’t polished and [they] looked like unfinished art.”

(University of Regina)

See Paulassie’s biography for an extensive coverage of this prolific artist.

Additional information

Weight 1.4 kg
Dimensions 6 × 4 × 4 in

Bio Paulassie Pootoogook

Paulassie Pootoogook, R.C.A., ᐸᓗᓯ ᐳᑐᒍ



Date of Birth: February 14, 1927 Male/Female: Male E7-1176

Place of Birth: Igalalik (Andrew Gordon Bay); Resides, Cape Dorset

Father: Pootoogook

Paulassie is the brother of artists, Eegyvudluk, Kananginak and Pudlat Pootoogook. He is the son of he late Pootoogook (1887 – 1958). Paulassie is married to graphic artists, Ishuhungitok; his son, Tookikalook is a carver, now living in Iqaluit.


Cape Dorset Print Collection (Printmaker)
(annual collection)
(illustrated catalogue)

1960, 1966
Cape Dorset Graphics
(annual collection)
(illustrated catalogue)

January – February 1963
Galerie de France
Paris, France
(illustrated catalogue)

Inoonoot Eskima: Grafik och Skulptur fran
Cape Dorset och Povungnituk
Stockholm, Sweden

Eskimo Sculpture
Man & His World – Arctic Pavilion
Montreal, Quebec

Mythology in Stone
Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec
Montreal, Quebec

June – July 1970
Canadian and Eskimo Arts Council – a competition/exhibition organized as a contribution to the Centennial of the Northwest Territories
Yellowknife, N.W.T.
(illustrated catalogue)

Sculpture in Miniature
Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec
Montreal, Quebec

June – September 1974
Ulu/Inua: From and Fantasy in Eskimo Art
Casino Gallery, Ravinia Park
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

1875 – 1979
We Lived by Animals/Nous Vivions des Animaux
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development in cooperation with the Department of External Affairs
Ottawa, Ontario
(illustrated catalogue)

March – July 1975
Art/Inuit/Art: The Rothmans Permanent Collection of Eskimo Sculpture
Rothmans of Pall Mall Canada Ltd.
Toronto, Ontario
(illustrated catalogue)

April 1976
Baffin Island Sculpture Exhibition
Baffin Regional School
Iqaluit, N.W.T.

February – March 1980
Collector’s Choice – An Exhibition of Important Inuit Sculpture
Waddington Galleries
Toronto, Ontario

Cape Dorset Sculptors and Their Sculpture
The Inuit Art Collection
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bacon
Manchester, Connecticut, U.S.A.
(illustrated catalogue)

April 1981 – March 1982
Inuit Art: A Selection of Inuit Art from the Collection of the National Museum of Man, Ottawa, and the Rothmans Permanent Collection of Inuit Sculpture, Canada
National Museum of Man, Ottawa, Ontario and
Rothmans of Pall Mall Canada Ltd., Toronto, Ontario
(illustrated catalogue)

October – November 1981
The Inuit Sea Goddess
Surrey Art Gallery
Organized to complement the Musee des beaux-arts de Montreal exhibit of the same name
Vancouver, British Columbia
(illustrated catalogue)

March – April 1982
Songs in Stone
The Arctic Circle
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

June 1983
An Enduring Tradition: Inuit Carving from Arctic Quebec
Inuit Gallery of Vancouver
Vancouver, British Columbia
(illustrated catalogue)

March – April 1984
Heritage of the Inuit: Masterpieces of the Eskimo
Colorado Galleries of the Arts
Arapahoe Community College
Littleton, Colorado, U.S.A.

March – June 1984
The Oral Tradition
National Museum of Man
Ottawa, Ontario

September – October 1984
On The Land
The Arctic Circle
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

November – December 1984
Contemporary Art: Cape Dorset
Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec
Montreal, Quebec

December 1984
Takamit – Canadian Eskimo Art: Selections from Private Collections and the Government of Canada
Organized by La Federation des Cooperatives du Nouveau-Quebec and the Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A.
(illustrated brochure)

November 1986
The Ancestors/Links Between Worlds
Minnesota Museum of Art
St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.
(illustrated brochure)

November – December 1986
Art Inuit
Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec
Montreal, Quebec

December 1987
Cape Dorset Sculpture
Eskimo Art Inc.
Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.

March 1988
Arctic Forms – Inuit Sculpture
Arctic Inuit Art Gallery
Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

June – September 1988
The World Around Me
University of Lethbridge Art Gallery
Lethbridge, Alberta

January – February 1989
The Early Years: Sculpture from the 50’s and 60’s
The Innuit Gallery of Eskimo Art
Toronto, Ontario
(illustrated brochure)

May 1989
Birds: Sculpture from Cape Dorset
& Rock Ptarmigan Limited Edition
Print by Kananginak
The Guild Shop
Toronto, Ontario

October – December 1989
Baffin Island
Orca Aart
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

June – July 1990
Small Sculptures from across the Canadian Arctic
Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario

June – September 1990
Inuit Graphics and Drawings from 1959 – 1990
Arctic Artistry
Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, U.S.A.

August – September 1991
Cape Dorset Stone Sculpture: Masters and the Next Generation
Inuit Gallery of Vancouver
Vancouver, British Columbia
(illustrated catalogue)

November – December 1991
The Hand: Images in Inuit Sculpture
The Isaacs/Innuit Gallery
Toronto, Ontario
(illustrated brochure)

December 1991 – March 1992
In Cape Dorset We Do It This Way: Three Decades of Inuit Printmaking
McMichael Canadian Art Collection
Kleinburg, Ontario
(illustrated catalogue)

October – November 1992
Arctic Ice: Sculptures in Marble by the Artists of Cape Dorset, Northwest Territories
Marion Scott Gallery
Vancouver, British Columbia
(illustrated catalogue)

December 1992
Small Sculptures by Great Artists I
Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario

Arts from the Arctice
Anchorage Museum of History and Art
Anchorage, Alaska
(illustrated catalogue)

May – August 1994
Selections from the Herb and Cece Schreiber Collection
Art Gallery of Hamilton
Hamilton, Ontario

March – July 1995
Immaginario Inuit
Arte e cultura degli esquimesi canadesi
Galleria de’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Verona, Italy
(illustrated catalogue)

September 1995
Sedna: Spirit of the Sea
Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario

November – December 1995
Inuit Galeria
Mannheim, Germany

June 1996
Images of our Past
Art of Man Gallery
(illustrated catalogue)

November 1996
Small Sculptures by Great Artists V
Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario

March – April 1997
Marion Scott Gallery
Vancouver, British Columbia

June 1997
Singing and Dancing and Playing
Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario

November 1997
Graphite and Stone
Sculpture & Drawings; Baffin Artiss in two mediums
Spirit Wrestler Gallery
Vancouver, British Columbia
(illustrated catalogue)

ARCTIC ART – Master Works
Arctic Art Museum
Vancouver, British Columbia

November – December 2000
Small Sculptures by Great Artists 2000
Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario

Cape Dorset in the 1960’s
Feheley Fine Arts

Small Sculptures by Great Artists
Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario

Small Sculptures by Great Artists (November 2001)
Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario

September 2002 – May 2003
Terra Cognita: The Land We Know
McMichael Canadian Art Collection
Kleinburg, Ontario

November 2004 – January 2005
Our Land: Contemporary Art from the Arctic
Peabody Essex Museum
Salem, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
(illustrated catalogue)

Spring 2005
Cape Dorset Sculpture
Spirit Wrestler Gallery
Vancouver, British Columbia
(illustrated catalogue)

March – June 2005
National Gallery of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
(illustrated catalogue)

March – April 2006
Amarok: The Wolf
The Albers Gallery
San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

December 2006 – January 2007
Small Sculpture by Great Artists
Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario

Oct – Nov, 2008
Shaman, Sedna and Spirits
Spirit Wrestler Gallery
Vancouver, British Columbia
(illustrated catalogue)

January – February 2011
20 Great Sculptures
Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario


Pauloosie Pootoogook
Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec
Montreal, Quebec

May 1981
Paulassie Pootoogook
Inuit Galerie
Mannheim, Germany
(illustrated catalogue)

April 1985
Paulassie Pootoogook
Inuit Galerie
Mannheim, Germany

June 1986
Paulassie Pootoogook, Cape Dorset
The Guild Shop
Toronto, Ontario

November 1993
Paulassie Pootoogook
Inuit Galerie
Mannheim, Germany
(illustrated brochure)


Art Gallery of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario
Canada Council Art Bank, Ottawa, Ontario
Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec, Montreal, Quebec
Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec
Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta
Inuit Cultural Institute, Rankin Inlet, N.W.T.
Klamer Family Collection, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario
McMaster University Art Gallery, Hamilton, Ontario
McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Kleinburg, Ontario
Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Yellowknife, N.W.T.
Rothmans Permanent Collection of Eskimo Sculpture, Toronto, Ontario
Shell Canada Collection, Calgary, Alberta
University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta
Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba


1993 The Inuit Galerie of Mannheim, Germany features Pootoogook’s sculpture in their 1993 calendar.


Blodgett, Jean
IN CAPE DORSET WE DO IT THIS WAY: THREE DECADES OF INUIT PRINTMAKING: Jean Blodgett/with essays by Heather Ardies and Leslie Boyd and Linda Sutherland. Kleinburg, Ontario: McMichael Canadian Art Collection, 1991.

Canada. Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
INUNNIT: The Art of the Canadian Eskimo – L’art des Eskimaux du Canada. / by W.T. Larmour. French translation by Jacques Brunet. Ottawa, Ontario: Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1967.

Canadian Eskimo Arts Council
SCULPTURE. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Eskimo Arts Council, 1970.

Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec
CANADIAN GUILD OF CRAFTS QUEBEC – GUILDE CANADIENNE DES METIERS D’ART QUEBEC: The Permanent Collection: Inuit Art and Crafts. c.1900 – 1980. Montreal, Quebec: Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec, 1980.
Hessel, Ingo
ARCTIC SPIRIT: Inuit Art from the Albrecht Collection at the Heard Museum, Heard Museum/Douglas & McIntyre, 2006.
Inuit Art Collection
CAPE DORSET: Sculptors and their Sculpture. Manchester, Connecticut: The Inuit Art Collection, 1981.
Inuit Galerie
INUIT MINIATUREN. Mannheim, Germany: Inuit Galerie, 1990.

Inuit Galerie
PAULASSIE POOTOOGOOK. Mannheim, Germany: Inuit Galerie, 1981.

Inuit Gallery of Vancouver
AN ENDURING TRADITION II: Inuit Carvings from the Northwest Territories. Vancouver, British Columbia: The Inuit Gallery of Vancouver, 1983.

Inuit Gallery of Vancouver
CAPE DORSET STONE SCULPTURE: MASERS OF THE NEXT GENERATION: August 17 – September 6, 1991. Vancouver, British Columbia: Inuit Gallery of Vancouver, 1991.

Macduff, Alistair
LORDS OF THE STONE: An Anthropology of Eskimo Sculptgure. /By Alistair Macdudd. Photographs by George M. Galpin. North Vancouver, British Columbia: Whitecap Books, 1982.

Marion Scott Gallery

Riley, Jerry
SIX CAPE DORSET ELDERS. Inuit Art Quarterly, Vol. 8, No.1, Spring 1993, pp. 27 – 33.

Rothmans of Pall Mall Canada Limited
ART/INUIT/ART: La Collection Permanente de Sculpture Esquimaudes Rothmans/The Rothmans Permanent Collection of Eskimo Sculpture. No publication information, 1975.

Rothmans of Pall Mall Canada Limited
INUIT ART: A Selection of Inuit Art from the Collection of The National Museum of Man, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and the Rothmans Permanent Collection of Inuit Sculpture. No publisher given, (ISBN 0-620-05095-0), 1981.

Toronto-Dominion Bank
THE ESKIMO ART COLLECTION OF THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK. Toronto, Ontario: The Toronto-Dominion Bank, 1967.

Toronto-Dominion Bank
THE ESKIMO ART COLLECTION OF THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK. Toronto, Ontario: The Toronto-Dominion Bank, 1972.

Verona. Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Commune di Verona: Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Palazzo Forti, 1995.

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