Mask by Kudlu Kellipak


Artist:                   Kudlu Kellipak

Community:        Kinngait – Cape Dorset

Year:                      2019

Media:                   Serpentine

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Mask by Kudlu Kellipalik from  Kinngait – Cape Dorset.  Kudlu, born in 1993, is a promising young talent from Cape Dorset who likes to carve masks. This Mask by Kudlu Kellipak is wonderfully executed with hints of a transformation. The stone has intriguing vein patterns that complement the mask nicely. A well done carving.

Additional information

Weight 0.55 kg
Dimensions 4 × 2 × 5 in

Biography Kudlu Kellipak


Date of Birth: May 28, 1993 Male

Place of Birth: Iqaluit, NU

Mother: Natsivak Nuna

Father: TaqialukNuna

Adopted by: Mary Kellipalik
Mathew Kellipalik

Kudlu Kellipalik was taught how to carve by his father Mathew Kellipalik and his brother Tukiki Kellipalik. Kudlu’s first carving was an Inuksuk he made in 1995. He likes to carve birds, seals and masks.


March – June, 2022
New Inuit Art:
Contemporary Art from Kinngait
National Museum of Ethnography
Warsaw, Poland

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