Elegant diving Seal by Ningeosiaq Ashoona from Cape Dorset mounted on plexiglass base.
Ning Ashoona is a Kinngait (Cape Dorset), NU based artist who was raised on the land in Saturituk, on the southern coast of Baffin Island. She fondly recalls fishing as a child, and that carving and drawing were a practice in daily life, work made for the co-op to support supplies for life on the land. Her grandparents being established carvers, the young Ashoona learned from them, using hand tools, carving with great detail. Ashoona’s favourite subject was the loon, observing them on the water and on land. It was upon her move to Kinngait where she began to be more deeply influenced by the female carvers around her, including her grandmother.

This seal by Ningeosiaq Ashoona is a nice testimony to her talents.
Biography Ningeosiaq Ashoona
Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Mother: Father:
December 20, 1979 Cape Dorset Mayoreak Ashoona Kaka Ashoona
Influenced by her father, Ningeoosiak started to carve around 1998. EXHIBITIONS:
July 1 – September 2006
December 2006 – January 2007 January – February, 2009 March – April, 2009
December, 2009
October, 2010
Out of the Ordinary Cape Dorset Sculpture Gallery Indigena Stratford, Ontario
Rhythms in Motion Galerie d’art Vincent
Ottawa, Ontario
(illustrated catalogue)
Small Sculpture by Great Artists Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario
Small Treasures
Inuit Gallery of Vancouver Vancouver, British Columbia
Arctic Wildlife
Inuit Gallery of Vancouver Vancouver, British Columbia
Small Sculptures by Great Artists Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario
(illustrated brochure)
Arctic Wind III: An Expression of Survival Coastal Peoples Gallery
Vancouver, British Columbia
(illustrated brochure)
Ningeosiak Ashoona Transformations Gallery Philip Toronto, ON
(illustrated catalogue)