Owl/Face by Fred DeGrace


Artist:                    Fred DeGrace

Community:         Coral Harbour

Year:                       2014

Media                     Stone


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An interesting carving of a composition called Owl/Face by Fred DeGrace from Coral Harbour.

Fred DeGrace creates Inuit style artwork but is himself not Inuk. Instead, he is half Cree and half French. Originally from Winnipeg, he has lived in Coral Harbour at the time of this carving for 15 years. After meeting Inuit carvers in Winnipeg more than 25 years ago, he was inspired by them to start his own carvings and continued doing so after moving to Coral Harbour. And after taking his works into the Northwest Company store, they eventually found their way to a receptive audience.

Jeannie Kataluk, who is Inuk, is DeGrace’s partner. She said there has never been any misrepresentation about his background. “He has been around Nunavut long enough,” she said. “He sees the beauty of it and has the ability to create beauty.” “He has never, ever, ever, represented himself as Inuk.”

We offer this unique carving in our gallery, not as an Inuit carving, but as carving made by a non-Inuk, and inspired by the Inuit. Yet, the carving has come to us with an Igloo tag of authenticity.

This Owl/Face by Fred DeGrace is a unique carving on its own merits.

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