Passing Loons by Sita Saila


Artist:                   Sita Saila

Community:        Cape Dorset

Year:                      2024

Media:                   Stonecut

Paper:                   Kizuki Kozo Natural

Printer:                 Qavavau Manumie

Dimensions:       33.8 x 60.5 cm

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Beautiful print from the 2024 Dorset Print Collection: Passing Loons by Sita Saila.

Influenced by her father, Manumie Shaqu, and her late husband, Mikisiti Saila, both very prominent cape Dorset artists, Sita began carving stone sculptures in 1964. Although she has done only a small number of sculptures over this time her carvings are very accomplished and her work has been represented in several prominent exhibitions.

It was not until 2015 that she took up drawing. Her graphic work is like her carvings defined by an intimate knowledge of traditional Inuit culture and life on the land.

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Additional information

Dimensions 13.3 × 23.8 in

Biography Sita Saila

Date of Birth: February 1, 1947
Place of Birth: Cape Dorset; also lived in Iqaluit
Father: Mannumi Shaqu
Male/Female: Female

Sita is married to Mikisiti Saila a carver himself and one of Pauta’s eldest sons. Sita is the daughter of the carver, Mannumi Shaqu.


Our Land Transforming: Celebrating the Enduring Spirit of the Inuit
Arctic Raven Gallery
One Front Street, Second Floor
POB 2139
Friday Harbor, Washington, U.S.A.

May –June 1987
(Inuit Art Exhibition) Whitby Arts Incorporated The Station Gallery Whitby, Ontario

June 1990 – July 1992
The First Passionate Collector: The Ian Lindsay Collection of Inuit Art
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(illustrated catalogue)

May 1991
Inuit Music in Art: Singing and Dancing and Playing Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario

May – June 1991
Mother and Child: Sculpture and Prints Albers Gallery of Inuit Art
San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
(illustrated brochure)

June – July 1992
Women of the North: An Exhibition of art by Inuit Women of the Canadian Arctic
Marion Scott Gallery
Vancouver, British Columbia
(illustrated catalogue)


Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba


Marion Scott Gallery
WOMEN OF THE NORTH: AN EXHIBITION OF ART BY INUIT WOMEN OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC: June 6 – July 11, 1992. Vancouver, British Columbia: Marion Scott Gallery, 1992.
Winnipeg Art Gallery

THE FIRST PASSIONATE COLLECTOR: THE IAN LINDSAY COLLECTION OF INUIT ART: Le premier collectionneur passionne: La Collection d’art inuit Ian Lindsay. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1990.

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