Patient Hunter by Olooreak Etungat


Prints will become available Saturday, October 19. For inquiries about the print, contact us at: email: or phone: 1-902-220-034

Artist:                       Olooreak Etungat

Community:           Cape Dorset

Year:                        2024

Media:                     Stonecut

Paper:                      Kizuki Kozo Natural

Printer:                   Qavavau Manumie

Dimensions:         49.3 x 59.8 cm

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New print from the 2024 Dorset Print Collection: Patient Hunter by Olooreak Etungat.

Olooreak Etungat is an adoptive daughter of Abraham Etungat, a well-known sculptor from Cape Dorset.

Although she has taken a couple of jewelry courses, Olooreak is largely a self-taught artist who was inspired to take up drawing seeing the work of others in the community. Olooreak’s work blends the traditional and the contemporary, often in quite sensitive and unexpected ways.

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Additional information

Dimensions 19.4 × 23.6 in

Biography Olooreak Etungat

Date of Birth: April 8, 1971
Place of Birth: Iqaluit, NU
Mother: Iyuka Etungat
Adopted by: Abraham Etungat
Itigayaajuaq Etungat



November 2015
A New Perspective Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto Ontario

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