Manniapiga (My Lovely Egg) by Ningiukulu Teevee


Artist:                       Ningiukulu Teevee

Community:           Cape Dorset

Year:                        2024

Media:                     Etching & Aquatint

Paper:                     Velin d’Arches White

Printer:                   Studio PM

Dimensions:         79.8 x 59.8 cm


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Gorgeous new print from the 2024 Dorset Print Collection: Manniapiga (My Lovely Egg) by Ningiukulu Teevee

A couple of years ago I made Shaman Revealed, a drawing that was based on the Kiviuq legend of a woman turning into a fox. I wanted to show how people could change from one thing to another but still be the same person. A zipper came to mind and I thought, that’s a really nice idea, so I used the zipper to show how they change.

-Ningiukulu Teevee (From Uuturautiit: Cape Dorset Celebrates Fifty Years of Printmaking, 2009)

Ningiukulu is one of the most versatile and intelligent graphic artists to emerge from the Kinngait Studios Born May 27, 1963, Ningiukulu is the daughter of Joanasie Salomonie (deceased) and his wife Kanajuk. Her father, Joanasie, was a community leader and much loved in Cape Dorset for his sense of humour, mischief and compassion. In the fall of 2009, Ningiukulu ’s first children’s book was published by Groundwood Books (A Division of House of Anansi Press). Entitled Alego, it is an autobiographical story of a young girl named Alego who goes clamdigging with her grandmother for the first time and, along the way, discovers all of the wonders of the seashore. The book was short-listed for the Governor General’s Literary Award for children’s illustration.
Since her first prints appeared in the collection in 2004, Ningiukulu has been one of Kinngait’s studio’s most celebrated artists. She has a comprehensive knowledge of Inuit legends and a fine sense of design and composition. These elements that have made many of her prints highly sought after by collectors. Ningiukulu has had numerous solo shows of her bold and resplendent drawings and some of her work has been featured in exhibitions in major public galleries and museums.

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Dimensions 31.5 × 23.6 in

Biography Ningiukulu Teevee


PLEASE NOTE: The name change from Ningeokuluk to Ningiukulu as of March 2017.

Date of Birth: May 27, 1963
Place of Birth: Cape Dorset
Mother: Kanajuk Salomonie
Father: Joanasie Salomonie
Male/Female: Female

Born May 27, 1963, Ningiukulu is the daughter of Joanasie Salomonie (deceased) and his wife Kanajuk. Her father, Joanasie, was much loved in Cape Dorset for his sense of humour, mischief and compassion. Ningiukulu works full-time for the department of Housing in Cape Dorset, and devotes her spare time to her family and whatever time she can to her drawing, which she does at home. Her husband, Simeonie Teevee is a musician and plays with his band at community events in Cape Dorset and at music festivals around Nunavut.
Ningiukulu is one of the most versatile and intelligent graphic artists to emerge from the Kinngait Studios. In the the fall of 2009, Ningiukulu’s first children’s book was published by Groundwood Books (A divishion of House of Anasi Press). Entitled Alego, it is an Autobiographical story of a young girl named Alego who goes clam-digging with her grandmother for the first time and, along with the way discovers all the wonders of the seashore. The book was short-listed for the Governor General’s Literary Award for children’s illustration.
Since her first prints appeared in the collection in 2004, Ningiukulu has been on of Kinngait’s studio’s most celebrated artists. She has a comprehensive knowledge of Inuit legends and a fine sense of design and composition. These elements that have made many of her prints highly sought after by collectors. Ningiukulu has had numerous solo shows of her bold and resplendent drawing and some of her work has been featured on exhibitions in major public galleries and museums.


2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 20012, 2013, 2014, 2015
Cape Dorset Graphics (annual collection)
(illustrated catalogue)

April – May 2006:
Landscape: Contemporary Inuit Drawings Marion Scott Gallery
Vancouver, British Columbia

April – May, 2008:
Arctic Wind – An Expression of Naturalism Coastal Peoples Fine Arts Gallery Vancouver, British Columbia

Summer 2009:
Summer Celebration Images of the North San Francisco

October, 2009 – April, 2010:
Arctic Spirit:
50th Anniversary of Cape Dorset’s Kinngait Studios
Art Gallery of Ontario
Toronto, Ontario

Oct 2009 – Jan 2010:
Uuturautiit: Cape Dorset Celebrates 50 Years of Printmaking
National Gallery of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
(illustrated catalogue)

October, 2009 – January, 2010:
Nunannguaq: In the Likeness of the Earth McMichael Canadian Art Collection Kleinburg, Ontario

May – June, 2010:
Facing Forward – New Works from Kinngait Studios
Marion Scott Gallery
Vancouver, British Columbia

July – December, 2010:
Nipirasait: Many Voices
Inuit Prints from Cape Dorset
The Canadian Embassy Art Gallery Washington, DC

November – December 2011:
Inuit Sculptures and Drawings The Canadian Guild of Crafts Montreal, Quebec

October, 2011 – April, 2012:
New Art from Cape Dorset Winnipeg Art Gallery Winnipeg, Manitoba

June 2011:
Dorset Large:
Large Scale drawings from the Kinngait Studios Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario
(illustrated catalogue)

September, 2011:
Fall Migration:
A Selection of Birds in Sculpture, Prints and Drawings
Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario

November, 2011:
Contemporary North: Drawings from Cape Dorset Madrona Gallery
Victoria, British Columbia

November – December 2011:
Contemporary Reflections The Canadian Guild of Craft Montreal, Quebec

Dec. 2011 – Feb. 2012:
Women in Charge
Inuit Contemporary Women Artists Museo Nazionale Preistorica Etnografica “Luigi Pigorini”
Rome Italy
(illustrated catalogue)

February – March 2012:
Sky Ecchymosis: Part of the Series – Women of the Arctic
La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse
Montreal, Quebec

February- March 2012:
Marion Scott Gallery Vancouver, British Columbia

May- June 2012:
The Unexpected Feheley Fine Arts Toronto, Ontario

August – September 2012:
Summer Show
Marion Scott Gallery Vancouver, British Columbia

June – August, 2012:
Octopus Dreams:
200 Works on Paper by Contemporary Native American Artists
Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts Ekaterinburg, Russia

September – October, 2012:
Ice and Sand
Coombe Farm Gallery
Dartmouth, Devon, United Kingdom
(illustrated catalogue)

October – April, 2012:
New Art from Cape Dorset Winnipeg Art Gallery Winnipeg, Manitoba

December 2012 – May 2013:
Telling Stories: Inuit Art from Cape Dorset Toronto Pearson International Airport (Terminal 1)
Toronto, Ontario

January 2013:
Venture North: Drawings from Cape Dorset Willocks and Sax Gallery
Banff, Alberta

February – June 2013:
Where Do We Come From? What are We? Where are We Going? Identity in Contemporary Cape Dorset Art
McMichael Canadian Art Collection
Kleinburg, Ontario

April – June 2013:
Animal Power: Images in Contemporary Inuit Art Marion Scott Gallery
Vancouver, British Columbia

April – June 2013:
Dorset Seen
Carleton University Art Gallery Ottawa, Ontario

October – November 2013:
The Hand of the Artist Feheley Fine Arts Toronto, Ontario

October – December 2013:
Sanaunguabik: Traditions and Transformations in Inuit Art
Enterprise Square Gallery
Edmonton, Alberta

October – December 2013:
Cape Dorset Prints Gallery 210
St. Louis, Missouri

October 2013:
Toronto International Art Fair Metro Toronto Convention Centre Toronto, Ontario

April 2014 – February 2014:
New Voices from the New North National Gallery of Canada Ottawa, Ontario

January 2014:
Cape Dorset: New Generation Willocks and Sax Gallery Banff, Alberta

January – March, 2014:
Views from the North: Original Drawings from Cape Dorset.
Alaska on Madison
New York, New York.

May – September 2014:
Skin Deep
Carleton University Art Gallery Ottawa, Ontario

July – August, 2014:
Cape Dorset and Points South Theo Gantz Studio
Beacon, New York

March – April, 2015:
Over the Top Feheley Fine Arts Toronto, Ontario

June – July 2015:
Stonecut to Sugar-lift
Inuit Prints From the 1960’s to the Present Marion Scott Gallery
Vancouver, British Columbia

September – October, 2015:
15 Years: Kinngait 2000 – 2015 Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario

November – December 2015:
Contemporary North II Madrona Gallery
Victoria, British Columbia


October 2006:
Ningeokuluk Teevee: Drawings Feheley Fine Arts
Toronto, Ontario

March – April, 2010:
Ningeokuluk Teevee Drawings Inuit Gallery of Vancouver Vancouver, British Columbia

April – June, 2010:
Ningeokuluk Teevee Nunavut Gallery Winnipeg, Manitoba (illustrated brochure)

September – October, 2010:
Patterns from Nature – Drawings by Ningeokuluk Teevee
Marion Scott Gallery
Vancouver, British Columbia

November 2010:
Ningeokuluk Teevee Drawings Albers Gallery
San Francisco, California

December 2010 – January 2011:
Ningeokuluk Teevee – Recent Drawings Elca London Gallery
Montreal, Quebec

June – July 2013:
Of Stories Past
An exhibition of Original Drawings by Ningeokuluk Teevee
The Guild Shop
Toronto, Ontario

March 2014:
Recent Drawings by Ningekukluk Teevee Marion Scott Gallery
Vancouver, British Columbia

February – March, 2015:
Beyond the Surface
Drawings by Ningeokuluk Teevee Inuit Gallery of Vancouver Vancouver, BC


Art Gallery of Ontario

National Gallery of Canada

Canadian Museum of Civilization


In 2009, Ningiokuluk’s first children’s book, Alego was short listed for the Governor General’s Literary Award for children’s illustration

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